

- 1 min read

Playwright - Assert Your Way to Success!

img of Playwright - Assert Your Way to Success!

πŸŽ‰ β€œEnd-to-End Testing with Playwright: Assert Your Way to Success!” πŸŽ‰

Are you a software test engineer looking to up your game with end-to-end testing? Look no further than Playwright! This powerful tool allows you to automate your tests and catch bugs before they make it to production. And with some clever assertions, you can make sure your tests are rock solid.

Here are some common assertions you can use with Playwright:

πŸ‘€ Checking for Element Visibility

   const element = await page.$('#myElement')
expect(await element.isVisible()).toBeTruthy()

πŸ“ Checking for Element Text

   const element = await page.$('#myElement')
expect(await element.innerText()).toEqual('Hello World!')

πŸ” Checking for Element Attributes

   const element = await page.$('#myElement')
expect(await element.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('myClass')

πŸ“ Checking for Element Dimensions

   const element = await page.$('#myElement');
const dimensions = await element.boundingBox();

With these assertions in your arsenal, you can rest easy knowing that your end-to-end tests are catching all the bugs. Happy testing! 😎