- 2 min read
Performance Testing with Locust on AWS and Terraform
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Locsut Terraform AWS
This repository contains Terraform configurations and a Locust file to create a Locust instance on AWS to execute load tests. ⚡️
1. AWS Authentication
Before using this repository, you need to authenticate with AWS. You can either export your AWS access key and secret access key in your terminal:
2. Configure your provisioning
In the file, you need to configure several variables to customize your provisioning:
- node_size: to define the number of nodes you want to create.
- loadtest_dir_source: to define the location and file of your Locust plan script.
- locust_plan_filename: to define the name of your Locust plan file.
- subnet_name: to provide the correct subnet name in the variable file.
variable "node_size" {
description = "Size of total nodes"
default = 2
variable "loadtest_dir_source" {
default = "plan/"
variable "locust_plan_filename" {
default = ""
variable "subnet_name" {
default = "subnet-prd-a"
description = "Subnet name"
1. Execute Terraform
To create the infrastructure for your Locust instance, you need to execute the following commands on your terminal or CLI:
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve
4. Access UI
Once the process completes, you can access the UI to load Locust and perform your load tests.
5. Cleanup
Execute the following command to delete all AWS resources that were created:
terraform destroy --auto-approve
More information
For more information about this repository and how to use it, please refer to the following resources:
[Terraform aws-get-started >> install-terraform-on-linux :link:](